Wednesday, September 8, 2010

oh happy day!

So last night’s attempt at cleaning, packing, and uni work all amounted to a giant FAIL when I remembered I needed to do some promo work for the club. So I spent a good few hours going round telling people to come party with me on Friday night ….because I’ll have oodles of energy for it! I toned it down a little to “come chill out and have a cocktail with me” to suit my hectic week. Hahaha.
After once again realizing that time had run away and left me, I staggered into bed WAY too late - setting myself up for another fun day!
However, although I was running very late this morning, and nothing got done except the bare essentials… I was given the gift of a “happy day”.  Every mum will know what I’m talking about when I say this… but these are the days you live for.  My baby girl woke up like a rainbow had shone through her window instead of the sun… She giggled and screamed with laughter every time I grumpily tried to tell her 6am is not play time… She happily lay there clapping her hands while I changed her nappy and got her dressed for daycare… and she threw back her head in helpless fits of laughter when I kissed her cheek a million times over.  When I picked her up from daycare tonight she crawled over to me like a little steam train and jumped on my leg, holding her arms up for a hug. She giggled and clapped the whole way home… and as soon as we walked through the front door she wanted to dance.  So she did her new favourite dance move to a whole range of different songs. She bobs her head from side-to-side, bouncing up and down on her wobbly legs and banging on whatever she’s holding onto when she gets really excited… all the while “singing” loudly to the music in a voice vaguely resembling a cross between a puppy dog and a drowning cat. And after our naughty cheat dinner of hungry jacks (due to mummy’s lack of energy and pay arrival), she happily lies down with her bottle and has a less than 5 minute cry before dropping off to a deep, contented sleep.
I may have 10 more blog posts of tantrums, nappy changes, tears, struggles, whinging and screaming before I have another blog that talks about a day like this… but a day like this could last me through 100 more posts.
See it’s easy for people to write nice posts about their beautiful child and how amazing their life is…. and I may be the only one… but I’ve found it to be 90% hard work and 10% of these glimpses of sunshine.  Thing is, you really could write a whole book about that 10%.  Because today… just when I thought I loved her with all my heart - I realized that there was another part of my heart I never knew existed….. and that part fell in love with her too. 
until the next happy day!

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