Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Joys of a Number 3....

So last night after making my hot cup of tea, I decided to sit down and watch "To Save a Life" while I was at it.... I fell asleep watching it, but its a good wholesome movie and great for teenagers. Bad idea though, as it inevitable sliced a precious couple of hours off sleep time. (Will I ever learn?!) So after having somewhat of a fitful sleep, I woke up to my daughter's ever piercing cry. I had carried her out into the lounge room to play with some toys and let her go before I realized that she'd done my favourite thing in the world.... a Number 3.

For those who don't understand what this is - I pray you never have to find out. It's not a Number 1, or even a Number 2. Its like an alien invasion. The stuff is runny, and it's potent. My nose isn't really at full working capacity in the morning.... hence why I hadn't smelt it. But it had leaked (like it always does) out the edges of her nappy and through to her pj's. My favourite. The whole time I was changing her I kept thinking about those new Nappy-Pants and how great they are, and how I wished I'd had enough money the other day to buy more of them because they're like little wraps that don't allow anything out the sides. And as I caught myself thinking that I wondered how I'd gotten so boring.

And it gets even more exciting.... wash the bottles, pack her morning tea, afternoon tea and lunch... get her dressed, attempt to get dressed while she stands in front of the shower door, banging it like a drum till I get out... pack my bag for uni, find her dummy which she lost in her adventures around the house... Backpack on my back, uni bag over my shoulder, child on the opposite hip, keys in hand... and out the door.

I hate to say that I feel somewhat relieved when I've dropped her off. It is quite frustrating... not to mention difficult... trying to just put some clothes on while your baby girl is screaming at you to be picked up and holding on to your leg like her life depends on it. I have my days... sometimes I really hate dropping her off and I could just play with her all day. Other days, I just ned them to take her because it's so constant. Today was one of those days. It wasn't so much her that was overwhelming, but my head was still pounding and my ears ringing and when there's no-one there to just play with her for an hour while you quickly get ready, or have something to eat... it just leaves you with no relief.

So she's at day care and I'm at uni on a break between lectures/classes... having some interesting discussions about the election, sitting in the sun for a little while, and revising notes about how not to tell someone they're crazy when they're in a counselling session with you. It's nice to be in the adult world sometimes.

And what's even crazier is that I still do miss her. Her little smile that has five teeth now, her wobbly legs that are trying so hard to walk, her insecure cries when I walk into the bathroom to brush my teeth... her little arms that clench around my neck in the hope that I never ever let her go. Then it's when I think about all these things that I wish I could just be at home with her all the time, not having to be strong on my own... just being part of a family where I could simply enjoy the beautiful little person she is.


....and back to uni it is. Until next time blog-land!

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